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New Syllabus Marks weightage
Group 1
Chapter 1. Sources of Law - upto 8 marks
Chapter 2. Constitution of India - up to 9 marks
Chapter 3. Interpretation of Statutes - up to 8 marks
Chapter 4. Administrative Laws - upto 4marks
Chapter 5. Law of Torts - up to 5 marks
Chapter 6. Law relating to Civil Procedure - up to 6-8 marks
Chapter 7. Laws relating to Crime and its Procedure - up to 12 marks
Chapter 8. Law relating to Evidence - up to 8 marks
Chapter 9. Law relating to Specific Relief - up to 3 marks
Chapter 10. Law relating to Limitation - up to 8 marks
Chapter 11. Law relating to Arbitration, Mediation and Conciliation - up to 9 marks
Chapter 12. Indian Stamp Law - up to 9-12 marks
Chapter 13. Law relating to Registration of Documents - up to 6 marks
Chapter 14. Right to Information Law - up to 4 marks
Chapter 15. Law relating to Information Technology - up to 6-8 marks
Chapter 16. Contract Law - up to 6-8 marks
Chapter 17. Law relating to Sale of Goods - up to 3 marks
Chapter 18. Law relating to Negotiable Instruments - up to 3 marks
Chapter 1. Introduction to Company Law - up to 6-8 marks
Chapter 2. Legal Status and Types of Registered Companies - up to 5 marks
Chapter 3. Memorandum and Articles of Associations and its Alteration - up to 3-6 marks
Chapter 4. Share and Share Capital - Concepts - up to 10-12 marks
Chapter 5. Members and Shareholders - up to 5-7 marks
Chapter 6. Debt Instruments - Concepts - up to 6 marks
Chapter 7. Charges - up to 5 marks
Chapter 8. Distribution of Profits - up to 6 marks
Chapter 9. Accounts and Auditors - up to 12 marks
Chapter 10. Compromise, Arrangement and Amalgamations - Concepts - up to 8 marks
Chapter 11. Dormant Company - up to 5 marks
Chapter 12. Inspection, Inquiry and Investigation - up to 7 marks
Chapter 13. General Meetings - up to 10 marks
Chapter 14. Directors - up to 12 marks
Chapter 15. Board Composition and Powers of the Board - up to 8 marks
Chapter 16. Meetings of Board and its Committees - up to 8 marks
Chapter 17. Corporate Social Responsibility - Concepts - up to 12 marks
Chapter 18. Annual Report - Concepts - up to 6 marks
Chapter 19. Key Managerial Personnel (KMP’s) and their Remuneration - up to 8 marks
Chapter 20. Drafting of resolution - up to 10 marks
Chapter 1: Selection of Business Organisation - up to 3 marks
Chapter 2: Corporate Entities – Companies - up to 3 marks
Chapter 3: Limited Liability Partnership - up to 4 marks
Chapter 4: Startups and its Registration - up to 10 marks
Chapter 5: Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises - up to 4-8 marks
Chapter 6: Conversion of Business Entities - up to 0-6 marks
Chapter 7: Non-Corporate Entities - up to 0-4 marks
Chapter 8: Financial Services Organization - up to 12 marks
Chapter 9: Business Collaborations - up to 8-12 marks
Chapter 10: Setting up of Branch Office/ Liaison Office/ Wholly owned Subsidiary by Foreign Company - up to 0-6 marks
Chapter 11: Setting up of Business outside India and Issue Relating Thereto - up to 5 marks
Chapter 12: Identifying laws applicable to various Industries and their initial compliances - up to 5-6marks
Chapter 13: Various Initial Registrations and Licenses - up to 11-12 marks
Chapter 14: Constitution and Labour Laws - up to 0-6 marks
Chapter 15: Evaluation of Labour Legislation and need of Labour Code - up to 0-4 marks
Chapter 16: Law of Welfare & Working Condition - up to 0-4 marks
Chapter 17: Law of Industrial Relations - up to 0-5 marks
Chapter 18: Law of Wages - up to 0-6 marks
Chapter 19: Social Security Legislations - up to 0-3 marks
Chapter 20: Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013 - up to 3-6 marks
Corporate Accounting and Financial Management (CAFM)
Chapter 1: Introduction to Accounting - up to 5 marks
Chapter 2: Introduction to Corporate Accounting - up to 13 marks
Chapter 3: Accounting Standards (AS) - up to 5 marks
Chapter 4: Accounting for Share Capital - up to 19 marks
Chapter 5: Accounting for Debentures - up to 13 mark
Chapter 6: Related Aspects of Company Accounts - up to 5 marks
Chapter 7: Consolidation of Accounts - up to 8 marks
Chapter 8: Financial Statement Analysis - up to 4 marks
Chapter 9: Cash Flows - up to 10 marks
Chapter 10: Forecasting Financial Statements - up to 3 marks
Chapter 11: Introduction - up to 9 marks
Chapter 12: Time Value of Money - up to 5 marks
Chapter 13: Capital Budgeting - up to 21 marks
Chapter 14: Cost of Capital - up to 7 marks
Chapter 15: Capital Structure - up to 12 marks
Chapter 16: Dividend Decisions - up to 9 marks
Chapter 17: Working Capital Management - up to 12 marks
Chapter 18: Security Analysis - up to 20 marks
Chapter 19: Operational Approach to Financial Decision - up to 8 marks
Group 2
Chapter 1 - Law relating to foreign Exchange
Management - up to 5-6 Marks
Chapter 2 - Foreign Direct Investment - up to 0-5 Marks
Chapter 3: Overseas Direct Investment - up to 8 Marks
Chapter 4: External Commercial Borrowings (ECB) - up to 4 marks
Chapter 5: Foreign Trade Policy & Procedure - up to 8 Marks
Chapter 6: Law relating to Special Economic Zones - up to 0-5 marks
Chapter 7: Law relating to Foreign Contribution Regulation - up to 0-5 marks
Chapter 8: Prevention of Money Laundering - up to 0-4 Marks
Chapter 9: Law relating to Fugitive Economic Offenders - up to 5-6 Marks
Chapter 10: Law relating to Benami Transactions & Prohibition - up to 4-8 Marks
Chapter 11: Competition Law - up to 25 Marks
Chapter 12: Law relating to Consumer Protection - up to 0-7 Marks
Chapter 13: Legal Metrology - up to 0-3 Marks
Chapter 14: Real Estate Regulation and Development Law - up to 0-3 Marks
Chapter 15: Law relating to Patents - up to 0-6 Marks
Chapter 16 : Law relating to Trade Marks - up to 3 marks
Chapter 17: Law relating to Copyright - up to marks
Chapter 18: Law relating to Geographical Indications of Goods - up to 0-3 marks
Chapter 19: Law relating to Industrial Designs - up to 0-8 marks
Capital Market and Securities Laws (CMSL)
Chapter 1. Basics of Capital Market - up to 10 marks
Chapter 2. Secondary Market in India - up to 8 marks
Chapter 3. Securities Contracts (Regulation) Act, 1956 - up to 4-6 marks
Chapter 4. Securities and Exchange Board of India - up to 6 marks
Chapter 5. Laws Governing to Depositories and Depository Participants - up to 5 marks
Chapter 6. Securities Market Intermediaries - up to 6 marks
Chapter 7. International Financial Services Centres Authority (IFSCA) - up to 4 marks
Chapter 8. Issue of Capital & Disclosure Requirements - up to 12 marks
Chapter 9. Share Based Employee Benefits and Sweat Equity - up to 10 marks
Chapter 10. Issue and Listing of Non-Convertible Securities - up to 4-6 marks
Chapter 11. Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements - up to 13 marks
Chapter 12. Acquisition of Shares and Takeovers – Concepts - up to 12 marks
Chapter 13. Prohibition of Insider Trading - up to 10 marks
Chapter 14. Prohibition of Fraudulent and Unfair Trade Practices Relating to Securities Market - up to 7 marks
Chapter 15. Delisting of Equity Shares - up to 10 marks
Chapter 16. Buy-Back of Securities - up to 10 marks
Chapter 17. Mutual Funds - up to 12 marks
Chapter 18. Collective Investment Scheme - up to 4 marks
Chapter 19. PRACTICAL PROBLEMS- up to 12 marks
Tax Laws and Practice (TLP)
Chapter 1: Direct Tax at a Glance - up to 5 marks
Chapter 2: Basic Concept of Income Tax - up to 6 marks
Chapter 3: Incomes which do not form part of Total Income - up to 10 marks
Chapter 4: Income under the Head Salary - up to 8-10 marks
Chapter 5: Income under the Head House Property - up to 4 marks
Chapter 6: Profits and Gains from Business and Profession - up to 12 marks
Chapter 7: Capital Gains - up to 8 marks
Chapter 8: Income from Other Sources - up to 6-12 marks
Chapter 9: Clubbing provisions and Set Off and / or Carry Forward of Losses - up to 6 marks
Chapter 10: Deductions - up to 5-8 marks
Chapter 11: Computation of Total Income and Tax Liability of various entities - up to 5 marks
Chapter 12: Classification and Tax Incidence on Companies - up to 6 marks
Chapter 13: Procedural Compliance - up to 4 marks
Chapter 14: Concept of Indirect Taxes at a Glance 3 marks
Chapter 15: Basics of Goods and Services Tax ‘GST’ - up to 8 marks
Chapter 16: Levy and Collection of GST - up to 6 marks
Chapter 17: Time, Value & Place of Supply - up to 5 marks
Chapter 18: Input Tax Credit & Computation of GST Liability - up to 4-5 marks
Chapter 19: Procedural Compliance under GST - up to 3 marks
Chapter 20: Overview of Customs Act - (Read once may be 10-12 marks)