WEIGHTAGE - CS EXECUTIVE Both Groups (Chapter Wise) By CS Aspirant
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Group 1 Company law CHAPTERS PROBABLE MARKS 1 Directors [Section 149 – 205] 25 Marks 2 Share Capital [Section 23 to 70] 15 Marks 3 General Meetings [Section 96 to 122] 10 Marks 4 Accounts [Section 128 to138] Auditor [Section 139 to 148] 16 Marks 5 Dividend [Section 123 to 127] 6 Marks 6 Deposits, Debt Capital, Charges, CSR, Board Report and Disclosures, Company Secretary, Mega Firm, Corporate Reorganization, Introduction and other Miscellaneous chapters 30 Marks Don’t leave any Chapter
JIGL 1 Special Courts 5 Marks 2 Constitution 8 - 13 Marks 3 CPC 5 Marks 4 CRPC 5 Marks 5 IPC 8 Marks 6 Evidence 6 Marks 7 Stamp 6 Marks 8 Torts 5- 8 Marks 9 Interpretation 4 Marks 10 Limitation 4 Marks 11 Registration of Documents 5 Marks 12 IT Act 5 Marks 13 Arbitration 8- 10 Marks 14 Administrative Laws 8Marks 15 Sources of Law and Jurisprudence 6 Marks 16 General Clauses- 2 Marks 17 RTI 2-4 marks
SBEC Focus more on part 3, then give importance to part 1 and then to part 2. Chartered Documents I and II - 10 Marks LLP - 4 Types of Companies and their formation - 6 Marks SPV and JV - - 6 Marks Types of Business organizations - 4 Marks NBFC - 3 Marks Conversion of business entities- 6 Marks Setting up of Business outside India and issues relating thereto - 3 Marks IBC, 2016 - - 15 Marks Types of Companies- 6 Marks Probability in Exam Dormant Company - 7 Marks NGOs - 5 Marks Probability in Exam Striking off - - 10 Marks Legal Status of Registered Companies- 5 Marks Probability in Exam Start Up India - - 6 Marks Different forms of business organizations - 4 Marks Probability in Exam Types of Companies- 6 Marks Identifying laws applicable to various Industries & their initial compliances- 4 Marks Various Initial Registrations and Licenses - 8 Marks Compliances under Labor Laws- 8 Marks Intellectual Property laws - 5 Mark Compliances relating to Environmental laws- 6 Marks Maintenance of Registers and Records- 4 Marks
Tax laws (80+) 1. I.T. head ( 20 - 25 marks ) 2. Dedication ( 3 - 5 marks ) 3. Agriculture & exempted income ( 3 - 4 marks) 4. Assessment of partnership , LLP & etc ( 3 - 4 marks ) 5. Assessment of company ( 3 - 5 marks ) 6. Return of income ( 4 - 5 marks ) 7. TDS , advance tax & etc. ( 4 - 6 marks ) 8. Income tax authorities ( 4 marks ) 9. GST full course
Group 2 C.M.A 1. Issue of share ( 8marks ) 2. Buy Back of Share ( 3 marks ) 3. Issue & Redemption of Debenture ( 6 marks) 4. Financial Statement Interpretation ( 3 marks ) 5. Consolidation of Accounts ( 5 marks ) 6. Corporate Financial Reporting ( 8 marks ) 7. Cash Flow Statement ( 7 marks ) 8. Accounting Standard ( 3 marks ) 9. Accounting Authorities (4 Marks) 10. Overview of Cost (4 Marks ) 11. Budgetary Control (6 Marks ) 12. Ratio Analysis ( 6 Marks ) 13. Marginal Costing (6 Marks ) 14. Valvation of Goodwill & Share (4 Marks ) 15. Valuation of Principle & Framework (4 Marks ) 16. Method of Valuation (4 marks )
FMSM PART A = Financial Management 1. Nature & Scope of Financial Management (8-10 Marks ) 2. Working Capital Management (3- 5 Marks ) 3. Inventory Management ( 5-6 Marks ) 4. Leverage (3-4 Marks ) 5. Capital Structure Decision (5-7 Marks 6. Cost of Capital & E. V. A (3-4 Marks ) 7. Capital Budgeting (3-4 Marks ) 8. Dividend Policy (3-5 Marks ) 9. Security Analysis & Portfolio Management (8-10 Marks ) Part B = strategic Management 1. Introduction to S.M 2. Business Policy & Planning (8-10 Marks ) 3. Strategic Analysis & Planning ( 8-10 Marks ) 4. Strategic Implementation & Control (6-8 Marks ) 5. Analyzing Strategic Edge ( 6-8 Marks )
EBCL PART 1 1. FEMA Act, 1999 (5-8 Marks ) 2. Current & Capital A/C Transaction, Liberalized remittances Scheme (4-8 Marks ) 3. Foreign Direct Investment in India ( 5 Marks) 4. Foreign Contribution ( 4-5 Marks ) 5. Foreign Trade Policy ( 4-5 marks ) 6. NBFC (6-8 Marks ) 7. SEZ Act (8-10 Marks ) Part 2 1. Competition Act 2002 (25 Marks ) Part 3 1. Transfer of Property Act ( 7-8 Marks ) 2. Money Laundering( 5-8 Marks ) 3. Contract Act (8-12 Marks ) 4. Negotiable (7-8 Marks ) 5. Consumer Protection Act (5-8 Marks )
SLCM PART – A 1. SEBI Act 1992 (4-6 Marks ) 2. ICDR (10-12 Marks ) 3. LODR (8-10 Marks ) 4. Subs entail Acquisition & Take Over Bids (5-8 Marks ) 5. Buy Back ( 6-8 ) Marks 6. Employee Stock Option Plan (10 Marks ) 7. Insider Trading ( 8-10 Marks ) 8. Mutual Fund (10-12 Marks ) 9. Ombudsman (8-10 marks ) Part B - 30 Marks 1. Struture OF Capital Market 2. Capital Market Instrument
Note: We cannot say that this chapter is more important or other is not, we would like to present a priority in which all the Chapters can be studied. Estimated marks may be more or less.
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